๐Ÿ‹ vs ๐ŸŸ: Will Whales bet more consistently than Minnows?
resolved Mar 2


This market remains open until one of the two following resolution conditions conditions are met:

  1. 24 hours goes by in which there is not a trade in the YES direction of แน€100 or more.

  1. 24 hours goes by in which there are not at least 3 trades from unique traders in the NO direction.

If condition 1 is met, the Whales have failed, and this market resolves NO.

If condition 2 is met, the Minnows have failed, and this market resolves YES.

For Whales: If you are committed enough, your investment is risk free! Just stop by and deposit your แน€100 once a day and eventually collect your windfall of cash.

For Minnows: If you can get a small group to band together, your investment is risk free! Just be sure to trade together once a day, and eventually collect your windfall of cash.

Fine Print:

  • API based trades, and any trades by bots, don't count

  • Sells are fine (and can happen any time), but don't count towards the trade total regardless of what type of share is sold. They do not negate any previous trades.

  • Alts are not allowed. If there's ambiguity on what's an alt I will defer to moderators

  • "Unique traders" means unique for that day, not unique in the overall market

  • The close date will be indefinitely extended until a resolution condition is met

  • The 3 unique traders are evaluated from the first trade in the set. For example, if there are trades from 23, 18, and 1 hours ago, that counts. If there are trades from 26, 18, and 1 hour ago, that doesn't.

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@traders there seemed to be enough interest to give this another shot!



Welp that was quick. Last 100 mana bet was more than 24 hours ago, and there was a set of 3 no bets only slightly more recently.

@DanMan314 ๐Ÿ˜…

@DanMan314 damn it, I got it mixed up with another one where daily is defined as once every 36 hours... ๐Ÿ˜ญ

@DanMan314 Are you doing another one?

@Fedor There seems to be interest! Sure. I might tweak the rules to be every 36 hours to give a little buffer.

@DanMan314 I am interested, if you won't do it then I would. I think a second go around could be more popular.

Is it possible to tell when someone traded using the API?

@TimothyJohnson5c16 Yes, it has a little robot emoji indicator next to it. You can see it on the first trade in this market.

I love the autogenerated cover photo for this market

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