Will YouTube allow me to configure a personal agent to represent my interests as I use the site by mid 2025
Jul 1

I would like to configure a personal profile containing information on myself, my goals, my interests, my prohibitions my plans for the future. I would give Google or YouTube access to this profile so as I am viewing YouTube, what I would see would be modified via some kind of communication such as an AI or an LLM using the information in my profile to adjust my recommendations, the visibility of channels, the visibility and order of comments and things like that.

This could be done by taking a channel profile, a video profile and text form and then pasting in my personal profile and then submitting that to an LM saying how suitable is this for this person etc. Or any similar means.

This is an extremely subjective market that's just meant as a way to note down some current day products speculation. Thoughts about how personalization for recommender and information control systems might work. If you are going to bet a lot of money on this market, please talk to me first and make sure we really understand how it'll be judged so you don't regret it.

For judging I'll look at how closely something like this LLM or ai mediated recs/info filtering idea is to reality and evaluate to a percent. 100% means exactly this or more. 50% means partially related. I'm also open to using an LLM for judging this. I'm more hoping interested people can bet minor amounts, and discuss, than for this to become a deep market.
