Will Brandon Sanderson mention anyone's interest in Jasnah Kholin's feet within 1 month of Dragonsteel Nexus 2024?
Ṁ10Jan 9
As part of Dragonsteel Nexus 2024 there were trading cards for portions of a story. The backside of each card also had a portion of an image to go with the story. Card 7 of the Elsecaller story happened to center on Jasnah Kholin's bare feet. Some attendees were collecting copious copies of that specific card.
Resolution Criteria
Mention needs to be publicly verifiable.
Mention must occur and be public before January 8, 2025.
Mention may be indirect.
Mention may be a comment on anyone's interest in Jasnah Kholin's feet in response to someone else bringing up the subject.
Someone's interest in Jasnah Kholin's feet must be easily the most likely interpretation (as judged by me) given background knowledge.
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