TP6: Maui will rebound to pre-disaster tourism numbers. (60% conf.)
Dec 24

(60% confidence)

Tourism to Maui is currently down 30% year-over-year following the devastating fires in August 2023. At some point this year, I’m (ed: Scott's) expecting Maui’s monthly tourism figures will fully rebound to pre-fire volume.


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This question is from Scott Keyes' travel points and miles predictions at This is the 3rd year Scott has made travel predictions, and the continuation of the prediction series I ran last year. I am an unaffiliated Manifold user replicating the proposals here on Manifold.

I will resolve this market based on Scott's self-stated resolution at the end of the year. See notes below.

In the same fashion I used for Scott Keyes' predictions last year, I am setting the close date ahead of the end of this year to (try to) avoid a situation where the resolutions post before the market closes. In the event that his resolution post falls in 2025, my apologies in advance. If he hasn't posted resolutions at all by February 1, 2025, I will do my best to resolve them personally, and set N/A for any questions that I can't determine with outside (non-Going) source data.
