Will Manifold offer any kind of paid subscription service before the end of 2025?

Will Manifold offer any kind of paid subscription service before the end of 2025?

Resolves Yes if Manifold offers any kind of paid subscription service before the end of 2025.

Free subscription services do not count. Only services requiring a user payment of $1 or more per month will be considered valid for this resolution. Additionally, paid subscription services introduced on extended Manifold platforms (such as Manifold Politics, Manifold.love, or Manifund) will also be included in this consideration

Some hypothetical paid subscription service that would count into the resolution:
-Paid subscription to get extra boost on your markets
-Paid subscription to get cosmetics on your avatar/markets
-Paid subscription to get news through a Manifold brand
-Paid subscription to get priority/exclusive matches in match marking on Manifold.love
-Paid subscription to get additional query limits on Manifold API usage

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I'd buy a $1 monthly subscription. I like how this site exists, and I want it to keep doing the existing thing.

Love Manifold but it's seemingly already struggling with getting users, especially compared to larger networks. Can't imagine there's enough aq leeway to introduce subscriptions, and individual payments are almost always better for whales (where I would expect a high % of current Manifold rev to come from).

@AndrewBrown One of the more interesting aspects of this site are how you can effectively "soft-ban" yourself by making one bad bet. Sure, it cleanses the market, but it makes for fragile users.

A 3:1 on no? I'll take that, if anything to get folks on my side to send a clear message to the company that it's awesome as is. I suppose folks have to make money though...