Which riders will be announced for LIDL-Trek for the 2025 season?
Jan 1
Tao Geoghegan Hart
Mads Pedersen
Giulio Ciccone
Andrea Bagioli
Jonathan Milan
Fabio Felline
Dario Cataldo
Natnael Tesfatsion
Albert Philipsen
Mattias Skjelmose
Toms Skujins

Basic question: Which riders will be announced as riders for the 2025 season with LIDL-Trek?

ANNOUNCED. Not signed. Not "wait til they actually ride". This resolves on announcements.

If the team merges, changes sponsor, whatever, this probably still covers the new team. If it is obvious that it should not cover the new team, we can talk about what to do then. If they cease to exist, things will probably resolve No instead of N/A.

For riders on the 2024 roster:

If the team announces an extension publicly for the 2025 season (or longer), resolves Yes promptly. If it is common knowledge that they will ride for the team or have a 2025 contract, that is not enough to resolve yes. It has to be an announcement of a new, longer contract. Example: If Kooij announces an extension to 2027, he resolves Yes promptly.

If a different team announces a signing for 2025, resolves No promptly.

If there is no announcement about 2025, we're going to wait until the UCI website or team otherwise confirms they are on the 2025 squad.

For riders not on the 2024 roster (transfers in):

Resolves Yes if the team announces a signing. Resolves No if some other team announces a signing.

If there is an announcement that would lead to a prompt Yes or No resolution, but there is doubt about the claim or people are unsure of it for some reason, we can wait until it is more clear, even as long as the UCI website or official team roster for 2025. Example: Team accidentally announces on social media then immediately retracts --> Don't resolve yet. Example: Visma claims they signed Cian and Bora immediately counter-claims he's still for them --> Don't resolve yet. (If it resolves before the report is retracted, then a new answer can be created but it will not be unresolved.)

If some rider resolves Yes or No based on the criteria, and then new info comes out that puts that rider in question again, we can add a new option for that player, but we are not going to re-resolve or unresolve the earlier one. For example, if we had resolved Cian Yes for Bora 2024, and then there was word he might be leaving, we would not unresolve that, we would create a new answer for Cian.

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Mattias Skjelmose
bought Ṁ2,750 Mattias Skjelmose YES


Just so everyone understands how these markets work, see this Tweet from Daniel Benson:


This is an announcement of an extension, but it is not an announcement from the team. I believe the resolution of Yes requires the team or rider to announce it in some way. So for example, if Skjelmose himself posted that he signed an extension, that will resolve Yes. If Trek posts a social media message or blog post, that counts. Or if Benson gets someone from the team on the record in a published piece, that also counts.

Just Benson reporting is not enough to resolve Yes.

Everyone understand?