Will AI invent acausal trade and bargain with humans from the future to not kill us?
Jan 22

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@EmienerYunoski Please resolve your closed markets, Thank you!

predicts NO

@SirCryptomind This one shouldn't have resolved yet

@adele not sure why I resolved it, I always leave a note. Must have been a mistake. Apologies.

@EmienerYunoski Can you explain a bit more why and how would "humans from the future kill us" (unless AI bargains with them). Are you assuming time travel is possible?

Also, how would the trade be acausal? Can you give example? (You mention humans in the future, but the AI is also in our future, so we will be in its past and therefore, the trade is not acausal..?)

Also, can you be more specific about how will this question be resolved?

predicts YES

@Irigi I was thinking AI escapes and takes over the world, assigns 0.001% chance humans successfully solved alignment and it currently is living in a simulation (maybe made to test whether this specific AI is aligned or not). Humans make pact to be nice to AIs that are nice to them (whether simulation or not). AI gives humans 0.001% of lightcone because positive expected utility.

@EmienerYunoski Thank you for explanation. (I would propose to add it to the question description, as the title is not self explanatory. )

Personally, I assign very low probability to the scenario, purely based on it being too specific. But I will not trade as it is not clear to me how will this get resolved.

Humans have already invented acausal trade; please resolve.

cool I ai is cool