Will a program or person exist that finds/draws arbitrary 5 letter words by zooming into the mandelbrot set by Jan 2025?
Jan 21

IMPORTANT Note: the location must have the word visible independent of coloring scheme. Kalles Fractaller 3 is chosen as the reference renderer because it has zero coloring options, just a default greyscale.

The mandelbrot set is supposed to contain infinite detail, but where in it could I find the text to the cat in the hat?

The program should output a complex number and a zoom level, and any sufficiently powerful mandelbrot renderer should render the word if you look there. Ideally I should be able to run the program, but if 9 locations
are posted in the comments that show the words "The quick brown fox jumpe over the lazy dog" when visited in Kalles Fractaller 3, that will be sufficient to resolve the market yes.


Zoom: 5.1369886e81

Real: -1.76801020788529248509645593250143145278780861966542863068817686693288089075260812982265329575

Imaginary: -0.00654973441367893105006607760099556478255787170697712574921822035432228058759401055452798485474


would be a valid entry for the word "six"

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Some letters are probably hard to find right? Like an R or a G ?

I think this post provides a route to the answer:


The technique described provides independent control of the images in the three types of bulbs, and extends to four and five bulbs, which could then be trivially flattened into a straight line of repeating bulbs and cropped. The current limitation is that only images with 180 degree rotational symmetry can be put in the bulbs, so "IN8OX" or "tOXIN" but no "QUICK" or "LAZY"