If there at any point before EOY 2024 exist 200 Sweepstake markets on Manifold, this resolves to YES.
Status doesn't matter, i.e. also closed or N/A markets that are still listed.
If a market is deleted, e.g. by moderator decision, and cannot be found, it will not be counted.
If a market is delisted, i.e. previously was enabled for sweepstakes but now isn't, it will not count for the total.
Let me know if I need to improve or elaborate on criteria somehow.
Unless or until people object, I might trade in this market since criteria seems objective enough.
@HenriThunberg i think this can resolve yes. it's a bit tedious to count manually (though you may want to confirm), but if this api call is right it should be at 212
"Status doesn't matter, i.e. also closed or N/A markets that are still listed."
To be absolutely clear, this means that previously resolved markets also count, right? it's about the total number of sweepstakes markets, as long as they still show up in the manifold search? (resolved, closed, open, N/A, etc)
@Ziddletwix yup, any status that will show up in "Any" simultaneously to reach 200. I would only want to ignore ones that were removed at some point and would be a pain to dig up and/or verify.