Will the specs of the RTX 5090 be leaked before they are released officially?
Jan 2

If there is a link in the comments of this market that leaks the correct specs of the Nvidia RTX 5090 and was added before the official specs reveal at the time of the official specs reveal, this market will resolve to YES.

If something is assumed to be the equal of the RTX 5090 and is marketed by Nvidia (ie it is TTX 5090 or something like that) and there is no RTX for this generation, this market will apply to that card instead. (This is unlikely, but I wanted to cover my bases)

If the comments don't have a link to a leak when the specs are released, this market will resolve NO.

The close date will change to the release date when that is known.

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@traders It looks like the specs have made it out. We can wait for the official release to make sure they are correct and then I will resolve the market.

Thanks for trading!