Cat girl ears by end of 2029?

Resolves yes if by the end of 2029 at least one biological human has "cat girl ears". The ears must appear catlike (or at least cat girl like) and grant similar hearing to cats. This includes the ability to move to detect where sounds are coming from and to express emotions.

The ears do not have to be biological, they can also be mechanical. They can be permanent or removable. They don't have to grant other senses, eg touch.

This market uses "cat girl" in an inclusive pan-gender and non-agist sense.

I will not bet in this market.

Futuristic cat girl ears

Dec 10, 11:11pm: Cat girl ears by end of 2029 → Cat girl ears by end of 2029?

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Just use “neko” if you don’t want to exclude by gender

neko girl ears??

Just “neko ears” is fine


neko pat ears

god bless the cat girl ears

All the components are there for catgirl ears, it's just that the overlap between people with cochlear implants and people who want to be catgirls and stupid rich people isn't large enough.

@MartinRandall world needs more trans founders. it is the only path I see to catgirls


@SneakySly Dreams crushed.

predicts NO


Betting NO as insurance. Either I get cat ears, or I get a (small) profit. Win-win!

@evergreenemily +1 on this with a side-order of "much as it pains me"

One can dream. one day I will have cat girl ears 🙏

This does not grant hearing, but one could argue it "expresses emotions":

@Yev I think it's also not there in appearing catlike, cat ears have a bigger emotional range. But give it a few years?

predicts YES
predicts YES

@Yev Correction: it's a 2022 article about something from 2011.

@Yev alas, we're in a catgirl ears winter.

mfw pony ears don't count

@Yev perhaps another market?