Will at least some AIs receive legal protections against cruelty in the U.S. before 2050?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, particularly those demonstrating advanced cognition or human-like characteristics, have been the subject of much debate regarding their ethical treatment. As AI technologies have evolved, discussions surrounding the moral implications of their treatment and potential rights have gained traction.

Will at least some forms of AI be legally protected from cruel or inhumane treatment in the United States before the year 2050?

Resolution Criteria:

This question will resolve positively if any of the following actions are taken by the U.S. Federal Government or individual U.S. states before the year 2050:

  1. Legislation: The U.S. Congress, or any U.S. state legislature, enacts a law or statute explicitly granting legal protections to specific forms or categories of AI systems against cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment.

  2. Judicial Ruling: A U.S. Federal or State court, including but not limited to the Supreme Court, delivers a binding ruling or judgment which effectively recognizes or implies rights for specific forms or categories of AI against cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment.

  3. Regulation: A U.S. Federal agency or state regulatory body introduces, modifies, or enforces regulations that directly stipulate protections for specific forms or categories of AI from cruel or inhumane treatment.

The question will resolve negatively if none of these actions are taken before January 1, 2050. The resolution will be based on credible public information from government sources, news agencies, legal databases, or official publications, clearly stating that legal protections have been extended to AI systems against cruel or inhumane treatment in the United States.

Note: This question solely focuses on the legal measures taken by the United States. The intent or motive behind the legal action is not required to be proven.
