Develop a testable theory of quantum gravity and verify it
Ṁ52 / 52
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Create a theory of physics that reproduces all results of quantum mechanics and general relativity on the scales/situations that have been tested, while unifying them into a single coherent description without contradiction. The theory must be consistent with all current observations but make novel predictions that could be tested to verify that the theory is more accurate than the current paradigms. Then design and perform an experiment to test the theory, and show to the satisfaction of a consensus of the physics community that the theory is more accurate than the currently accepted general relativity and QFT.

Please do it, I will give you five mana.

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My flawless hypothesis: there is no contradiction between mainstream theories of relativity and quantum mechanics because I haven't read enough physics yet to understand how they would contradict in the first place, just use both sets of equations smh my head

And 10 more mana from me!

lol I know this is a joke but if I had seen this without seeing it was you who posted it I would've assumed it was serious. there are way too many markets/polls/bounties/comments/etc of this nature on manifold

Change it to 'prove OR disprove your theory' and I can do this.