Found an interesting take and wanted to get Manifolders' opinions on it, but couldn't because it wasn't a tweet? Now you can!
This is an equivalent to /Joshua/good-tweet-or-bad-tweet-which-contr for quotes that don't come from Twitter. Submit as your answer any "controversial" post, quote or meme from any source except Twitter/X. "Controversial" just means it should be something that people might disagree with, not that there is some active controversy around it. The originator of the quote can be anyone - it doesn't have to be a well-known person or public figure - as long as you respect people's privacy (e.g., don't post something that someone said in private and might be embarrassing without their permission). It is also acceptable to add quotes from Twitter in a few limited circumstances - namely, if the original market closes permanently, if the tweet has been deleted, or if a certain category of tweets are banned from the original market. Edit: If the original market has been on hiatus for an extended period of time, it is also acceptable to post tweets here.
All answers should either include a full quote with attribution (if the attribution is known), or a description of the quote with a link to the full quote. Quotes that are from online posts should link to the post.
As with the original market, you can vote by buying YES shares (to indicate that you think it's a good take) or NO shares (bad take). The number of shares doesn't matter, so you are free to profit by buying more shares of opinions you think others will share and fewer shares of opinions you think will be outvoted, but please vote in good faith!
Every time the market closes, I will resolve options that have been voted as good takes by a clear majority to YES, and those that have been voted as bad takes to NO. Ones that are close, such that the winner looks like it may change as new votes roll in, will remain unresolved. Then I will reopen the market for another week. I will disregard votes from bots.
Possible clarification from creator (AI generated): Tweets/posts from Twitter/X are now temporarily allowed to be submitted while the original Good Tweet/Bad Tweet market remains closed.
@PlasmaBallin Assuming we get to keep elections in the next patch, the Republican Party should not be let off the hook for Trump. They were the ones that led to him and supported him almost every step of the way.
@StarkLN also even though trump's appearance, rhetoric, and general personality are super different to bush, his defacto political platform in his previous term was barely any different, certainly no changes on the scale of allowing non-landed men, women, and people of all races to vote, or abolishing slavery and segregation, or legalising gay marriage and abortion
@TheAllMemeingEye I dunno if Id agree with not any different. I would agree with is an extension of, though
@StarkLN I'm not american and haven't formally studied politics, but I gather even with a trifecta the main things he did were lower taxes for the rich, extend the existing border wall into empty desert, put tarifs on foreign goods, and backstab rojava, which all seem like relatively small changes compared to the entirety of pre-bush US history
@TheAllMemeingEye I mean, he did J6, his COVID handling was awful, and he basically strongarmed the fed into not raising rates. Plus, with Trump as the pres to be and surrounding himself with loyalists Im not too confident he will stop at that next time
@PlasmaBallin Is this the media's fault? People are pretty ignorant about lots of things. And I'm sure I've seen several news stories highlighting that tariffs could make things more expensive.