Elon Musk claimed as much during an interview with Peter Diamandis.
Resolves YES either if there is a "gigawatt-class GPU cluster" in Kuwait as of Jan 22, 2024 or if construction begins on such a project at any point in 2024.
Resolves NO: "Until then, Omniva remains little more than what it was two years ago - a dream in a desert." https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/analysis/behind-omniva-the-secretive-gpu-cloud-startup-that-began-as-an-attempt-to-build-the-worlds-largest-crypto-data-center/
@Waffloid This sounds super damning. If it was slated to be ~850 meg that would be one issue, but also having half the expected budget and gigantic cooling/safety concerns makes me think this isn't really happening.
I think he’s referring to Omniva, here’s a good article