What would you pay Manifold for?
No bounty left

We're thinking about different different monetization strategies. What goods or services would you personally be willing to pay Manifold to get? It could be specific features on this platform, a subscription plan unlocking new functionality, tools for businesses, etc.

I'll pay up to M500 per answer, depending upon how good/unique of an idea I think it is.

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Bounties with USD, with manifold taking a cut.


I would pay for real money tournaments. Pay $usd to enter. You compete against other people on a set number of questions. Whoever does “the best” gets the pot (minus manifolds cut).

I think the details on this are a real mess though. What do you do about whales coming in with lots of mana? And it probably just rewards the most online person who saw the news first. Maybe those can be solved by having a tournament specific currency that everyone gets the same amount of. But maybe that is just reimplementing prediction polls/metaculus.


Simple in browser trade scripting executed before/with limit orders, so I can for example create a limit order that triggers unless the bet that caused it is larger than threshold or by one of the users in a list.


I'd pay a recurring subscription for a live newsfeed related to my open bets, similar to how you can tell a finance news site the tickers of securities you own and receive news about just those companies. I imagine this would work by taking text from the markets I've bet in, breaking that down into keywords, and using some multi-source news service with an API to find stories related to those keywords. If the interface that showed the news headlines also showed my top bets related to that news item, I could quickly adjust my bets or create new markets.

I already pay for news subscriptions (e.g. my local newspaper) and many people who work in finance pay for finance-focused news sites, so there seems to be significant revenue potential---selling other people's news to traders is basically how Michael Bloomberg became a billionaire. Decent keyword extraction is easy and a quick Google search shows several existing news article APIs, so hopefully it wouldn't take much developer time to build a rough version and see if it actually has market potential.

I should note that such a newsfeed wouldn't be just for helping me be more effective on Manifold, but it would show stories that I'm actually interested in, because I tend to bet in markets that I find interesting. It could hopefully replace other, less personalized news sources that I currently use and so make my life overall better---which is definitely something I'm willing to pay for.


I'd cash my mana in for GPU compute, which also means I'd buy mana to make bets if I expect I can make enough profit such that the total cost is less than cloud providers.


I kind of like my idea of quadratic downvoting: https://manifold.markets/market/will-manifold-implement-mana-punish (see the discussion in the comments about how you could cost someone $x by paying $x^2)

I'd pay to be able to bulk create questions and store them with scheduled post dates. As a daily market creator, it sometimes takes 30-40 minutes to do all my daily "manifold" chores and I do it 2-3 times a day.

It makes manifold feel way more like a job where I can't bulk create and do my workflow at the start of the month but I have to do it day by day or spam my followers/people that bet on the daily markets.

ignores your prompt

Some features I have wanted in the last couple of days are:

  • For "news" markets, annotating the market graph with when certain information emerged (maybe the author or trustworthy-ish users could have the ability to do this)

  • The ability to make markets private to individual users, rather than just org level private markets (i.e. Google docs style granular permissions)

I would pay for a creator subscription that gives all my questions more visibilty, allows me to pin questions to the top of my profile or even have a featured question at the top and maybe even hide profit completely from my profile. In general a subscription with features aimed at users who want to become creators.

I'm still a new little minnow so the bigger picture of what I'd pay for is less immediately relevant for me than farther down the line. but I'd pay for market reach or visibility when I reach a point that I'm creating more markets. I'd pay for some form of tournaments or separate leaderboard comp, too, perhaps grouped by league status?

Premium order execution, it is clear you can do a lot better if you want to put several hundred mana on something you can do a lot better then by just buying all at once in one chunk but it is a hassle to do.

A pizza

id pay not to see marcus abramovich’s smug fucking face on here

I think manifold dating could be converted into manifold head hunting or job pairing or whatever you wanna call it. I could imagine this being somewhat lucrative as it eventually leads back to real money.

Also manifold could organize or at least highlight bounties for one off tech work. I could maybe imagine some businesses doing that.

It was mentioned before but I like the idea of markets where you get mana just for betting on it. I think I would pay real money to have a thousand people say in on a market of my choosing. For the market participant, they get 500 mana regardless of whether they win or lose.

I don’t know. Just spitballing here.

A common monetization strategy is to pay a subscription for customization and better app integrations. Things like widgets that show new / trending markets or showing your account balance would be nice. Or ability to change the app icon is also common. These changes won’t all translate to desktop, but in my experience, users on mobile are much more willing to sign up for subscriptions, so it may still be worth it.

This strategy has worked well for apps like Carrot, Flighty, and Reddit clients like Apollo (R.I.P). Also, having a monthly subscription from your most dedicated users means you’ll have a reliable source of income, and app stores have an incentive to promote apps that do subscriptions

I wouldn't

I would pay 10,000 Mana or $5 (Manifold's choice) for the permanent ability to put limit orders on portfolios, and thereby make arbitrages directly in the UI. Filling these limit orders would not have to be instantaneous, but I would expect them to trigger in under 5 minutes of a trade being available.

More efficient credit for boosting, it takes a lot of mana to get a decent number of responses. Maybe it could have a discount if it's just for boosting, like store credit.

Better filtering; ability to filter away all “Will I …”, anything mentioning manifold.loce, any “Will flight xy123 …” markets.