Will there be armed conflict between left- and right-wing extremists before 2030? (10v10 & 100v100)
10 v 10
100 v 100

Will there be armed conflict between left- and right-wing US extremists before 2030? (10v10 & 100v100)

Counts as an armed conflict if:

10 v 10

  • At least 10 individuals inside the US carry firearms on each side, and attempt to use them

  • At least 1 wounded or dead on each side

  • Majority of each side appears to identify with extreme left & extreme right, respectively

  • All in the same area (e.g. within a city)

  • Exchange of multiple shots

  • Excluded: tit-for-tat murders of unarmed individuals where there's no exchange of fire

100 v 100

  • At least 100 individuals inside the US carry firearms on each side, and attempt to use them

  • At least 5 wounded on each side

  • At least 1 dead on each side

  • Majority of each side appears to identify with extreme left & extreme right, respectively

  • If 'simultaneous' (same-day) skirmishes occur at 'different' locations (1 city ~ 1 location), each skirmish (exchange of multiple shots) with at least 5 combatants on each side counts towards the total. Double counting will be avoided.

  • Excluded: e.g. tit-for-tat murders of unarmed individuals where there's no exchange of fire


I will not bet in this market.

I strongly condemn any attempts to increase the likelihood of these events occurring - they would be immoral and catastrophic for everyone involved.

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Pedantic, but what about conflicts bwtween extremists and normies? (rooftop Koreans)

That wouldn't count

bought Ṁ150 100 v 100 NO

Right-wing extremists attacking the police and then calling the police "left-wing extremists" on Twitter should not count. (See e.g. January 6.)
