This is an all-out, over-the-top, ridiculous, loud, insanely complex, maximally processed club banger that is the sort of work that I would love to have produced years ago if I had $50,000 to blow on an orchestra, and I could have written it, and so many humans could actually play this on key and in time. I doubt that Tiesto would attempt this with traditional software.
With this song, I think I was able to achieve an arrangement that a human would not have been able to compose. The score for this song is ridiculously complex, likely requiring 100 parts and including unplayable keys like Ab major.
5 different models were used in the production of this song, which required 1440 versions over 70 hours of work. The entire song was discarded with only a few seconds remaining to build from three times. The total inference cost was only $45.
Inspired by the movie "Crank."
@ElijahBodden5 Interesting, so I wonder if the lower ratings for this song have something to do with lyrics? You're the first person to provide concrete feedback.
I personally have never paid attention to lyrics much in any type of music, so perhaps what's going on is that others find lyrics to be much more important than I do?
@SteveSokolowski Yeah that’s probably part of it. Also as a club song it feels too complex and doesn’t have a strong consistent beat which makes it not very danceable.
@ElijahBodden5 How can I reward you for your evaluations? If you'd be willing to spend 10 minutes I'll give you something you suggest.
My issue is this: I had thought what was holding back these songs was that they were fully generated by AI, but I believe the prompting method has resulted in human-quality audio, or can do that if I were selecting the correct clips. It seems instead that the issue is my using the tools incorrectly because I am not understanding what makes music attractive to the "average" person.
So, if you listen to /SteveSokolowski/how-good-is-this-new-song and tell me whether you like that song better and why or why not, that gives me a comparison with someone who did not like this song, since that song which took much less time was rated much higher. I'll give you mana or whatever small gift you can think of.
@SteveSokolowski I personally like the other song better -- the lyrics sound more natural and the beat is less disjointed. It still has some slightly awkward transitions but I think it could work well in a DJ set!
Wow, these ratings are really strange. I don't think there is any comparison between this song and this other poll: /SteveSokolowski/how-good-is-this-new-song - this one took far longer, and is far more unique than the other, and is probably not able to be performed by humans, and yet somehow the other song got a few perfect scoores.
I wish that there were some detailed explanations as to why.
@DELETECLUB Is that because you don't like the song, because it is too complex, or because there is something wrong with it?
Because if it's too complex, I understand that one - people often like simple music. The topic would also turn away Republicans, most likely.
If there's something wrong with it, then I want to know that so I can improve it or not do that on the next song.