Will any country stop using paper currency by end 2029?

Paper currency must no longer be accepted as local legal tender (excl foreign currency exchange, ofc), officially and in common practice.

The change can be to metal, hard plastic, digital, barter, or whatnot. Notably, plastic "paper" does not count: it cannot be a change to different soft foldable sheets, no matter the underlying material.

Resolves YES if a country newly makes such a change (after creation date: Sept 9, 2023), or NO after close.

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Does this resolve YES if a country stops using paper currency as legal tender, but then resumes using it before the end of 2029?

yep! It resolves when they stop

Even if a country decides to stop paper money, there will be a fairly long transition period where it is possible to exchange it in a bank

predicts YES

@Loop sure but that's not remotely the same as legal tender

A country getting rid of its local currency and replacing it with e.g. dollars doesn't resolve yes, but a country going natively cashless/digital does, even if in practice they also accept paper dollars, right?

predicts YES

@Ramble no, if paper dollars are still considered legal tender for everyday transactions in that country, that doesn't qualify. foreign currency exchange, blackmarket transactions, multi-currency banking, etc., are to be expected in any circumstance so they don't affect this. what is the official currency of the country, and what is the de facto currency in the country? (I'd ask the second in cases of some countries where they have an official currency but another currency, i.e. the US dollar, is still used more regularly than it in everyday transactions) if the country makes a change such that both do not have a paper-based form, this resolves YES.

(basically, it's a little more strict than what you suggest)

predicts YES

@Stralor thanks for the question. I've added to the description:

officially and in common practice.