[Add options] TheAllMemeingEye love life prop bets 2025
Dec 31
I resume pursuing dating
Looking back, I had a good time on a date, regardless of outcome and expectations (N/A if no date occurs)
I go on a date
I kiss someone
At the end of the year, looking back, this market had a significant positive impact on my love life
I have sex
I ask someone I met IRL on a date
I officially and publicly enter a romantic relationship
I fall in love
Someone breaks my heart
I move in with a romantic partner
This market significantly negatively affects my love life
I get engaged
I get married
I have a kid (including adoption)

I will not bet in this market to avoid incentives for dishonest resolution (with the exception of buying and immediately selling shares in options others add so they get the trader bonus).

I will attempt to give updates in the comments on life developments that significantly affect the odds for any option, within the limits of not doxxing myself or others.

Relevant context:

  • I am a mid-twenties straight cisgender male living in the UK.

  • My career is currently in scientific research.

  • I think I look ok but I also gather that in general people perceive me as a loner weirdo.

  • I am perhaps irrationally paranoid that attempting to pursue one night stands / hook-ups with total strangers I've built zero trust with would lead to me being slandered, extorted, abused, abducted, or even murdered.

  • I have significant neurodivergence, most notably autism, OCD, and ADD.

  • I tried online dating for the first time for a few months last year, which led to 7 matches, 3 first dates, and eventually 1 relationship, which due to unfortunate life circumstances outside our control had to end almost immediately after becoming official, and the breakup harmed my morale at work enough that I haven't attempted dating again since then.

  • My friendship group consists of perhaps a half dozen distant friends, 2 close friends, and 2 close family members, is of roughly equal gender balance, and has low-to-moderate relationship success rate.

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For the record, this is how the current options would have resolved for last year:

  • I resume pursuing dating: YES (technically more like "I start dating for the first time ever" but close enough)

  • Looking back, I had a good time on a date, regardless of outcome and expectations (N/A if no date occurs): YES

  • I go on a date: YES

  • I kiss someone: YES

  • At the end of the year, looking back, this market had a significant positive impact on my love life: N/A

  • I have sex: NO

  • I ask someone I met IRL on a date: YES

  • I officially and publicly enter a romantic relationship: YES

  • I fall in love: 50%

  • Someone breaks my heart: 50%

  • I move in with a romantic partner: NO

  • This market significantly negatively affects my love life: N/A

  • I get engaged: NO

  • I get married: NO

  • I have a kid (including adoption): NO

For all preceding years of my life, all options resolve NO or N/A, as far as I'm aware.

@redcat thanks for all the added options :)

Btw unrelated but why is your username redcat while your profile pic is a blue cat? 🤔

@TheAllMemeingEye It's not just blue, it's a chubby rainbow cat with a red butt. I don't know why, but this visual-verbal mismatch is appealing to me.

@redcat ah yeah, that's cool

He truly be a chonkster

@TheAllMemeingEye great channel

opened a Ṁ5 This market signific... YES at 26% order

My career is currently in scientific research.

Which field?? (not too relevant to the question at hand, just curious!)

I tried online dating for the first time for a few months last year, which led to 7 matches, 3 first dates, and eventually 1 relationship

Sounds like you've got it, and you would just need to eliminate the avoidance?

Were your matches, dates and partner decent people?

which due to unfortunate life circumstances outside our control had to end almost immediately after becoming official

To the extent you are comfortable sharing, what kind of circumstances? If it's something external, why did it harm your morale?

@skibidist apologies for delayed reply

Which field?? (not too relevant to the question at hand, just curious!)

Currently meteorological data science, in the long term possibly aiming to specialise in space weather or pivot to effective altruism global priorities research.

Sounds like you've got it, and you would just need to eliminate the avoidance?

Yeah honestly my success rate was better than expected, I guess my dating strategy is reasonably efficient at finding what I would otherwise assume is a tiny niche of compatible people, when I'm not having a bad day I feel reasonably confident that once I'm in an emotional and workload situation that enables dating again (hopefully in a few months) I'll be able to perform similarly.

Were your matches, dates and partner decent people?

Most of the matches that didn't lead to dates didn't involve enough input from their end to really tell what they were like, but I didn't receive any aggression or abuse from anyone. All of the people I went on dates with were extremely kind and friendly in person. The first one very suddenly ghosted me in the middle of a positive vibes message exchange following a date though, which I understand is "normal" but I still consider it a mean thing to do that I wouldn't do to others. The second one and the third one (the brief relationship) both ended things in probably the nicest and most honest manner possible.

To the extent you are comfortable sharing, what kind of circumstances?

Long term health conditions she was struggling with underwent significant escalation to the point of semi frequent hospitalisation, such that she felt she wasn't able to give as much as she wanted to and thus was not in a position to be in any kind of romantic relationship with anyone for the time being.

If it's something external, why did it harm your morale?

Due to the mistake of accidentally coming across too intense with the previous 2 people I had dated (not the sole decisive reason things didn't work out but a contributor), I exerted significant effort into trying to keep infatuation under control and temper my expectations with the third. I did have a conversation fairly early on with her specifically about my tendency to become too intense and asking her to let me know if it was getting too much for her, to which she was super understanding and supportive. After about 6 dates / study sessions together over the course of around 2 months, we finally became exclusive / public / official about being in a relationship, at which I started to let my guard down and the flood gates of infatuation / falling in love began to open. As a result, when the breakup unexpectedly came up a mere 2 weeks later, it hurt quite bad, though the blow was definitely softened by how kindly it was delivered. For quite a while afterwards it felt like the lost time investment and the pain of breakups outweighed the enjoyment, though eventually the balance of how the memories feel seems to have gradually switched back to positive.

sold Ṁ5 I ask someone I met ... YES

Gotta say I'm a little surprised kiss is at much lower odds than sex, but ok 😅

sold Ṁ2 I kiss someone YES

@TheAllMemeingEye Thanks for the heads-up, fixed that. 😁👍

@TheAllMemeingEye Cool idea, btw! May I duplicate and adapt for myself?

@4fa yeah that's absolutely fine 😁

bought Ṁ5 I go on a date YES

look, folks. mana's on sale! (betting YES on all of these). gl this year boss. im also climbing back on the horse this year, or gonna try anyway

@No_uh haha thanks

Tfw you bet the sex option to 69% 😎


Advice to increase odds of positive outcomes is highly encouraged 🙃

Also surprisingly neat ai banner design