Will fanfiction.net be accessible at the end of 2024?
Jan 1

As of this morning, fanfiction.net's domain-registration has expired, removing the straightforward path to accessing the site. Do we expect them to get it back up and running before the end of the year, at the currently-expired domain?

Market resolves Yes if, at the end of 2024, I can type "fanfiction.net" into the address bar of a generally-working web browser and be taken to the fanfic archive which has been historically hosted at that domain. Redirects are fine; needing to go directly by IP address, or to type in a different domain, or suchlike will lead to a No resolution, as will the archive being entirely unavailable. 'at the end of 2024' should be interpreted loosely, with a few days' error margin, in case of temporary outages; if the site happens to be down at 11:59pm on December 31st, but was up a day earlier and is up again a day later, that will still resolve to Yes.

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@Tulip site seems to be online from what I can tell, can you verify?

It seems that way to me as well, yup!

bought Ṁ350 YES

...and looks like it's being actively worked-on by FictionPress. So yeah, no long-term disaster here probably.

Looks like the current problems are possibly purely DNS issues rather than, as I'd thought at time of market-creation, expiration-of-registration; whois lists the current registration as having been initially made in 1998 and not expiring until 2028.