YouTube will have an AI built-in that can answer questions while watching a video in 2024
Jan 1


If there is an AI made by YouTube (or Google) available to general US public (free or paid) before the end of 2024 that can answer questions by a user on a video they are watching.

This market is looking to see if an AI tool to answer questions about a YouTube video will be integrated into the official app or website.

Background - YouTube Premium Experiment AI Feature

YouTube Premium has had an experimental feature where you can ask an AI questions about the video you're watching in the YouTube Android app.

Here is a link to the mention of this feature and a demonstration of what it looks like (provided by the original announcement)

Here is a few screenshots from my experiment with the experimental feature:

Info page describing the experimental AI feature

Viewing in the app to activate AI tool under "Ask" button

Initial screen when asking AI tool

User questions to the AI and AI answers

Demonstration of an "off topic" question

Resolving "YES"

This resolves "YES" if the following are met before the end of 2024:

  • An AI is designed to answer questions about the currently viewed video

  • The AI in questions was made by the team at YouTube/Google

    • A 3rd party AI tool would not resolve this market.

  • The AI must not require another extension, app, or anything that goes beyond the YouTube app or website

  • The AI must be generally available to the (US) public and not part of an "experiment"

    • Access can be free or paid but must be reasonably easily enabled by a casual user. There can be an internal setting to switch the feature on but it must not be designated as an "experimental" feature.

    • Note that Google tends to use the word "beta" for many of its products even when very few people would consider them as "beta". If this AI feature appears with the wording of "beta", I believe that it could still be fair to resolve this market as "YES" (assuming all other criteria are met). So I'm avoiding using that term to determine how to resolve this market but open to feedback on this.

  • The AI does not have to be available on all videos but should be reasonably available to recently uploaded videos

    • This is the most subjective part in my opinion. I'll likely focus on a small handful of educational YouTube channels such as PBS Space Time and SciShow. I'm open to discussion for what seems like a fair judgement on this.

Resolving "NO"

This will resolve "NO" if not all the criteria above for resolving "YES" are met.


AI Performance & Capabilities

The performance of the AI is not part of the criteria for this market. Even if the AI is subpar, this market would resolve (assuming all other criteria under "YES" is met). The AI may only use limited data available to it such as just the captions or subtitles. For this market, it's not required to consider video frames, audio, etc. as long as it can generally answer questions similar to the system shown in the "Background" section.

Past YouTube Premium Experiment

Note that the past YouTube Premium benefit of accessing this AI feature does not fulfill the full "YES" criteria since it was specifically deemed as an "experiment". However, if the same tool was released without the "experiment" designation, it would resolve this market.



  • Clarify to generally available to the US public (where I reside)
