Will Music Streaming be replaced by a new thing by 2025?

From Phonograph to Radio then Vinyl and The CD to The MP3 and lastly Streaming. What's next for music distribution? TikTok+Spotify mashup where you stream but also engage in social interaction as a core experience?

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Will you count fully AI generated Spotify as a new thing?

predicts YES

Thanks to some great people over here I managed to finally set the date. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your patience.

predicts NO

I don’t know what’s going on with this market and why there’s another active identical one, but since it was unresolved but it is closed, our mana is locked here.

predicts YES

@NicoDelon That's my bad, working on restoring the original one since i didn't set the date correctly the first time. Stay tuned.

predicts YES

I can cancel all trades and return money back, that seems the most fair. What do you guys think?

predicts NO

@ZeljkoPrsa You could have changed the close date, rather than N/A'ing. If you ask @DavidChee nicely he might un-resolve this market for you, and you can fix the end date then.

@ZeljkoPrsa if u click the little pen next to the date you should be able to change the close date to a more appropriate one and re-open the market now that it has been unresolved.

predicts YES

@DavidChee I'm unable to change the date, unfortunately.

@ZeljkoPrsa oh, why not? You should be able to unless its bughed

predicts YES

@DavidChee When the modal opens I can't edit anything really.

@ZeljkoPrsa oh yeah I guess the ui isnt the most intuitive.

It's actually the lil pen shown by the arrow in this screenshot that u need to click

predicts YES

@DavidChee Thanks man! Just managed to see it. Fade to black 🤣

predicts YES

@NicoDelon No idea. Maybe I didn't set the date right when setting it up.

Why does this close now?