Will manifold add the ability to write market description in markdown in UI in 2024
Jan 1

This market will be resolved YES if in year 2024 I can write description of the new Yes/No market in markdown format via the official site https://manifold.markets/create I will resolve this as YES shortly after such feature appears on the site.

This market will be resolved NO in the beginning of 2025 if for the whole year 2024 there was no such feature on the site.

Some clarifications:

- it can be markdown, commonmark, gfm or any other format that has the main markdown features — not a rich text editor, but plain text and a way to specify headers, lists, links via usual syntax
- Using API is not enough, it must be the feature in official UI (I know that API supports markdown https://docs.manifold.markets/api#post-v0market )
- Using browser plugins is not enough, it must be official site and UI without any 3rd party additions

## Why I want it

For me its always a pain to create a market. Most of the time I need to fight with this rich text editor to make it do what I want (and usually I lose, and I'm not able to do the formatting I want to do). I tried to write text in some other editor and then copy/paste it here, but this works awful — all the new lines are lost. Creating a list is a nightmare — it does complely diffrent from what I want to achieve.

I want a simple and reliable way to write descriptions, I would be happy to use plain text that just works as I expect.

## Timezone of the market

I will use timezone of Berkeley, California to find out when the year ends (the place of manifest 2023 https://www.manifestconference.net/ )

## Author betting rules

The author of the market can bet on this market.
