Will Canada have an AI Safety Institute before the end of 2025?

In April 2024, the Canadian budget allocated $50 million for the creation of an AI Safety Institute (section 4.1 of 2024 budget), like the AI Safety Institutes that have been established in the United States and the United Kingdom.

This question resolves YES if good evidence is publicly available that Canada has established an AI Safety Institute-like agency comparable to those in the US and the UK.

It is likely that the launch of a government-run website for an agency with this name would be sufficient to resolve YES, so long as such a website possesses enough information to indicate the agency is not still in a process of being-established. For example, if such a website includes a named list of people running the agency (existing employees), a career portal (accepting new employees), and at least one piece of published material (e.g. a blog post, a research paper, a regulatory agenda document), this question would have enough evidence to resolve YES. By contrast, a barebones website lacking these kinds of information would probably not resolve YES, since it would suggest the agency is still being established.

If public evidence for the establishment of a Canadian AI Safety Institute is insufficient on 1 Jan 2026, this question resolves NO at that time.

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A government webpage for Canada's AI Safety Institute (CAISI) is up, but it's not a dedicated site and does not contain any named individuals. The Globe and Mail reporting on this as CAISI being "launched". I'm inclined to not count this, since this does seem to me to be a barebones announcement rather than evidence that CAISI is operational. Nonetheless, strongly suggestive that Canada will have a properly-setup AI safety institute pretty soon.