Will the WSJ do an expose-style piece on Bryan Johnson before 2027?

This market will resolve as YES if The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) or WSJ Magazine publishes a feature-length article that aims to critically examine or reveal previously undisclosed aspects of Bryan Johnson or his "Blueprint/Don't Die" brand. The article must:

  1. Be explicitly investigative or exposé in nature, providing a critical analysis or uncovering behind-the-scenes details.

  2. Contain a predominantly negative tone, questioning or criticizing the practices, ethics, or impact of Bryan Johnson and/or the "Blueprint" brand.

  3. Be published between the market's start date and its closing date.

For clarity, a "feature-length" article is defined as one that goes beyond mere reporting to offer in-depth analysis, commentary, or investigative content, typically exceeding 1,000 words. e.g https://www.wsj.com/style/dave-rachel-hollis-disney-1ffac082 or https://www.wsj.com/articles/theranos-has-struggled-with-blood-tests-1444881901

The market will resolve as NO if:

  • No such article is published by the WSJ or WSJ Magazine within the specified timeframe.

  • Articles published do not meet the criteria for investigative depth, negative tone, or focus as described above.

The market will resolve as N/A under the following force majeure conditions:

  • If WSJ or WSJ Magazine ceases operations or is unable to publish due to external circumstances beyond their control (e.g., natural disasters, legal injunctions).

  • If there's a significant disruption in the publication's distribution that prevents the article from being accessible to the general public.

  • Other force majeure events

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The topic says "by 2027", but the close date suggests "before 2027", which aren't same things.