Nihilism stock
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BUY: good
SHORT: bad
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A pragmatic argument against nihilism: either nihilism is true or it isn't. If it is true, and nothing matters, then believing in true things doesn't matter, so there is no reason to believe in nihilism even if it is true. If nihilism is false, then by definition it is false within a system where things such as truth matter, so there is an actively compelling reason to disbelieve in nihilism. So whether nihilism is true or false, there is no good reason to believe it is true, and in one of the cases good reason to believe it is false. So there is no possible case in which someone should believe nihilism is true. Let the market now proceed to zero.

@Dfe2f Thanks, really compelling argument

Obviously there is no such thing as a compelling argument; you can always walk away and believe whatever you want.

But the argument is correct; there cannot be a reason to think nihilism is true.