Will someone other than Joe Biden, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris be President by 2026?

Will someone other than Joe Biden, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris be President for any amount of time before 2026?

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@mods I think the user made a mistake in wording of the market but he’s not responsive to that being pointed out and also hasn’t resolved it despite the condition already being met.

@LiamZ Let's start out by pinging the creator @mb

I'm not going to close trading so act at your own risk, but hopefully they will show up to clarify. This would not be a very interesting market at all if it trivially resolved Yes immediately upon creation, so hopefully a small adjustment can clarify things.

@Eliza @mb see above, request for clarification

@Eliza The creator never responded.

@Gen Can you edit the description to indicate this does not trivially resolve Yes for the current presidency of Joe Biden?

@Eliza I edited the title and description

@mb I suggest if you didn't want this market to also exclude Joe Biden that you ping me again so I can N/A it. I cannot see a valid interpretation of this market without also excluding Biden

Will someone other than Donald Trump or Kamala Harris be President for any amount of time before 2026?

Resolves YES because Joe Biden is not Donald Trump or Kamala Harris but will be President for some time between now and 2026.