Will the certification for the President of the United States be ultimately concluded by January 7, 2025?
Jan 21

Criteria in draft status for a week if anyone has any comments.

Note: this question won't resolve until inauguration day in case of any late (low probability) pending legal challenges.

In simplest terms, this question is a proxy for whether there will be legal or popular doubt between January 7 and the inauguration day (scheduled January 20) about who the next president will be. See spirit of question.

Resolution Criteria:

  1. Congressional Certification Criteria: If Congress does not complete the certification process for the President of the United States by January 7, 2025 12:00AM EDT, this question will resolve NO.

  2. Published Confirmation: Confirmation of the certification by credible news sources (CSPAN, CNN, NYT, etc.) or official government announcements will serve as validation for congress certifying by the requirement for time (that is, it is the time of when congress finishes certifying, not the news/validation).

  3. Pending Legal Challenges: If there are any 'serious' ongoing legal challenges regarding the congressional certification process or status of the certification after January 7, 2025 12:00AM EDT and before the inauguration actually takes place (scheduled January 20, 2025) this question will resolve NO. As to the question of "serious" I will use my own judgment relying on news reports (see spirit of the question below).

  4. Otherwise, this question will resolve YES on when the inauguration day is held (scheduled January 20) and not earlier.

Judgment and spirit of this question:

I will try to rely on these criteria but my emphasis for resolving is on the spirit of the question, as follows, for any edge cases that fall between the cracks: this question is an attempt to predict whether any democratic or legal problems on, before, on, or after January 6 will affect the security and straightforwardness of congress successfully affirming the election results on certification day so there is no (popular) uncertainty, doubts, or worries after January 7 with regards to who will be President on inauguration day (January 20). For example, a normal certification that resolves YES is congress certifies on January 6 and there are NO 'serious' legal challenges following it. If there is an insurrection that causes a delay, or congressional debate/challenges that delays certification, or Supreme Court or other legal challenges that might affect the status of the certification of Congress by January 7 or that might after January 7 affect the status of the certification this would cause it to resolve NO.

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If this market had more bettors maybe it could reduce (my) anxiety to a greater degree than it already has.


"Some legal experts believe that the Supreme Court’s reasoning could “leave the door open to a renewed fight over trying to use the provision to disqualify Trump in the event he wins the election. In one scenario, a Democratic-controlled Congress could try to reject certifying Trump’s election on Jan. 6, 2025, under the clause,” according to the AP, which noted the issue could then return to court amid a potential full-blown constitutional crisis."

A nightmare scenario... Trump wins in November, but Democrats get a majority in congress and reject certification on Jan 6 ...