Will an uncensored open-source LLM model comparable to 2023 GPT4 be available to the public by the end of 2025?

Question resolves to YES if, by the end of 2025, there is a publically available and open-source LLM that can be used to generate uncensored text and that has performance comparable to GPT4 as it performed in early 2023.

If there are no public open-source LLMs comparable to 2023 GPT4 or the ones available can only generate content that is censored to some degree, the question resolves to NO.

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Uh, you could specialize a model on a specific topic and beat gpt4 but what about other fields?
AFAIK beating gpt's funding on training is pretty hard and partly why they got the lead.

Roughly speaking Yes but this would be impossible to judge accurately unless OpenAI provides long term access to the OG GPT-4 model, which is unlikely.

How do you measure "performance"?

Depending on how you specify that, it may be possible to resource this market YES today.

@JosefMitchell I would use at least one open-source benchmarking tool, such as GPT-Fathom (https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.16583) to compare the benchmark scores to another LLM that was evaluated in a similar manner. I would also accept credible papers that vouched for the capabilities of an LLM and that compared them favorably to GPT-4. I may accept public statements from AI researchers about the performance and capabilities of an open-source LLM provided these statements would be testable and I could evaluate their claims.