Who of these 20 is the top AI researcher?
resolved Feb 21
Ilya Sutskever
Geoffrey Hinton
Yoshua Bengio
Yann LeCun
Andrej Karpathy
Jürgen Schmidhuber
Demis Hassabis
Kaiming He
Ian Goodfellow
Alec Radford
Christopher Manning
Diederik Kingma
Richard Sutton
Shane Legg
Alex Krizhevsky
Stuart Russell
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Paul Christiano
Andrew Brown
Alex Graves

Follow-up: /singer/will-one-of-these-ai-researchers-cl

This poll will resolve at the same time as /singer/who-are-the-top-10-ai-researchers-a

The top 10 ranked answers to this poll will resolve the winners of that market, ties broken by percentage. The choices for this poll were taken from the current top 20 entries by percentage.

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Alec Radford seems criminally underrated on there, the guy was behind GPT-1, GPT-2, CLIP, and a bunch of other important stuff

Rip, I did not realise I could only vote for one person! And so voted for Ilya, as the first of the ten I'd have chosen from the list

Can I vote for Saining Xie?

@Sss19971997 sadly there's no way to edit poll entries