Will Luffy be responsible for killing any of the Gorosei by the end of One Piece?

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bought Ṁ50 YES

Luffy’s dream cannot coexist with the Gorosei, I’ve realized; one of the two must cease

bought Ṁ10 NO

@dwax Luffy isn't really one for killing people, though.

@Joshua I mean, yeah, you’re right, but we still don’t know how Kaido or Big Mom are. He doesn’t default to killing, but if you’re the literal antithesis of the Gorosei… then I don’t know how else it can go down, I really, really don’t. Would absolutely love to be wrong about this though.

Luffy also despises evil and people treated as lessers, so I feel like the Gorosei might be the only character(s) that he 100% kills, nothing held back. Look at how hard he punched a Celestial Dragon for being a Celestial Dragon… imagine that rage blown way out of proportion, that’s what I imagine for the Gorosei.

We shall see though lol :-)

Personally kill, or just defeat?

@Joshua kill by his own hands (can have help from others)

bought Ṁ25 NO

@strutheo Would Kaido count as a kill, assuming that he's actually dead? Luffy punched him, but then he fell into lava. But some people think he's still alive somehow.

@Joshua based on what we know now and assuming the lava killed him, yes id count it as luffy killing