Will there be a credible report that compute for AIs is consuming at least 10% of the world electricity by 2030?

Counts electricity used to train and run AIs. The report must claim that there was a period of a year in which 10% of the worlds electricity was used for AI, or claim that there has been a shorter period in which that was true and credibly extrapolate it to a year (e.g. a short spike in AI electricity usage will not count for resolving this market YES).

This market resolves YES if a credible report is posted in the comments before resolution. If no credible report is posted by market close, this market will stay open for another week. If no credible reports dating to before 2030 are posted in the comments by then, this market will resolve NO. A comment itself can count as a credible report, though I'll have a high bar for this, and any such comment must be posted before market close. Due to the potential subjectivity of resolution, I will not be on this market, and I will not consult with anyone who has on how this market should resolve.
