Satoshi Nakamoto's account transfers BTC before 2025.
Dec 31

A Bitcoin address known to be owned by Satoshi Nakamoto will transfer any amount of BTC to another Bitcoin address before 2025.

The data to resolve this question will be taken from a reputable financial newspaper such as the Wall Street Journal or Financial Times of London.

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Is there any list of Satoshi's UTXOs/addresses?

predicts NO

@kolotom99 I don't know. Presumably the address that was paid for mining the genesis block is owned by Satoshi. There may be others. I trust the financial journalists to do the checking. These two newspapers have very high standards, so I doubt they'll attribute an account's ownership to Satoshi unless they can be sure.

Note that this claim will resolve as YES if someone hacks the BTC protocol and moves BTC from the genesis block address. This claim could resolve as YES even if Satoshi is no longer alive or in possession of his keys.

predicts NO

@mr22222222 There is few articles analysing Satoshi's mining patterns etc., but I've never seen comprehensive list of addresses