Will Rail Baltica be completed by the end of 2026?

'Completed' means that trains are operating on the line. If there is any uncertainty over whether the line is open or not, I will adopt the criteria of whether it's possible to travel from Warsaw to Tallinn entirely on standar guage rail.

Rail Baltica is an ambitious and transformative infrastructure project aimed at enhancing connectivity and mobility within the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Spanning across Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and indirectly connecting with Poland and the broader European rail network, Rail Baltica seeks to establish a modern and efficient railway corridor for both passengers and freight. With an estimated completion date set around 2026, the project promises to revolutionize transportation in the region by reducing travel times, promoting economic growth, and fostering closer ties between countries. This high-speed rail network will not only improve regional integration but also contribute to a more sustainable and interconnected Europe, ushering in a new era of convenience and accessibility for travelers and businesses alike.

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It has already been pushed back to 2028, and expected to be completed by 2030. See this market for details:

@ScipioFabius yeah, I found your market earlier today 😬

@JoshuaWilkes Its okay :D free mana for me. And with more markets about the same topic, more opportunity to have cross-engagement :)