Will Yann LeCun remain the head of AI at Meta (Facebook) on July 1st 2025?

As times goes on, Yann LeCun has stepped up his attacks on everyone he disagrees with, especially Elon Musk, but also David Sacks, and anyone else who's prominent in Tech that he sees as not on the side of progress.

This is nothing new. Professor LeCun was writing long posts attacking people and groups on Facebook a decade ago.

However, two things have changed

  • he's going after Elon personally, with increased frequency, publicly on Elon's platform

  • Zuckerberg has come out in favor of Trump, or at least shown sympathy and admiration for the man, after the attempted assassination

Given that Professor LeCun is not going to stop poasting, will he either retire, resign or be forced out of his Facebook leadership role?

The market will resolve YES if

  • Professor LeCun leaves Facebook, takes an extended leave of absence, or otherwise departs the company

  • if his leadership role is publicly reduced -- for example to "advisor" or "emeritus" or "former chief scientist"

  • if he is publicly rebuked by Zuckerberg (extremely unlikely -- as this is not Zuck's style) with an implication that his role at the company is ceremonial and that Professor LeCun does not really decide things at Meta

It very well could be the case the Professor LeCun's role is already pretty non-functional. However this market is about a public resignation, demotion or rebuke of the professor, by Meta the company or Zuckerberg personally.

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He's been at Facebook/Meta for 10 years. I don't buy his tweets being a signal for leaving, though he might be tempted to raise money for a new company.

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LeCun is very big on open source and it's unlikely he goes anywhere that will not allow him to do so. Even if he has disagreements with Zuck I say it's unlikely he leaves