Will Florida's "bathroom bill" still be in effect at the end of 2024?
Jan 1

This market will resolve as "YES" if, at the end of 2024, Florida's "bathroom bill" https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1674 (2023 Florida Senate Bill 1674: Facility Requirements Based on Sex) is still in effect. It will also resolve as "YES" if, for any other reason, at the end of 2024 transgender people are still generally prohibited from using the restroom of their choice in most types of Florida government facilities, even if the original bathroom bill has been repealed or ruled unconstitutional. The existence of gender neutral restrooms does not prevent this market from resolving as "YES".

If a federal or state court rules the law unconstitutional or issues a stay prohibiting enforcement of the law that's in effect at the end of 2024, this market will resolve as "NO", even if that court ruling is pending appeal.

If the federal government attempts to block Florida's law, this market will only resolve as "NO" if courts rule in the federal government's favor (even pending appeal). If, for instance, the US President issues an executive order attempting to require that state governments allow transgender people to use the restroom of their choice, this market will still resolve as "YES" until a court rules in the federal government's favor and issues a stay of the state law.

If, at the end of 2024, the state of Florida has an official policy of not prosecuting violations of the "bathroom bill" by transgender people, this market will resolve to "NO".

Currently, transgender people in Florida are prohibited from using the restroom of their choice in all of the following locations. If the law is limited in scope to only apply to a minority of these locations at the end of 2024, this market will resolve to "NO". However, if the law still applies to a majority of these locations, this market will resolve as "YES". Note that this means that if the law is restricted to only apply to schools, this market will resolve as "NO".

  • Public K-12 schools

  • Public universities

  • Government-operated public restrooms along beaches

  • Government-operated airports

  • Public libraries

To summarize, this market will resolve as "YES" if transgender people are still prohibited from using the restroom of their choice in most types of Florida government facilities, based on current policy and court rulings at the end of 2024.

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What is the definition of transgender person here?

I'll be including people who haven't medically transitioned and haven't e.g. met requirements about getting a medical professional to sign off that they're transgender. I expect this market to resolve without needing to get a very precise definition of transgender people.