Will I regret not getting a drivers license in 2023 by 2030?

Currently in third year in university in Germany and doing fine with my bicycle. On the one hand I have a pretty flexible schedule right now and all else being equal having more options is good. On the other hand, getting a drivers license is expensive and cars even more so. Most driving schools seem to be out to get you. Already lost lots of money (3000€) to one because I got lessons, but didn't pay enough attention to get enough lessons in a short enough timeframe, because of Corona and because I was to intimidated by my driving instructor to explicitly ask about timeframes for my lessons until I could do my driving test.

I plan to continue to live in relatively populous cities and don't think it's likely I will want children.

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Don't plan to get a driver's license soon. Spent a bunch of time travelling, so getting one would have been inconvenient. I don't have the money for a car right now anyway.

@Tassilo any current thoughts?

Currently tending towards no, because I don't want to lose even more money for something that I am not sure whether I will even need in the end. Happy to hear good arguments for why I should get one, though.

predicts NO

@Tassilo Added 1000M$ subsidy.

@Tassilo any updates on this?