How many times in 2024 will my girlfriend’s mom tease me about attending manifest instead of going on a family trip
Jan 1
2 or more
3 or more
4 or more
5 or more
6 or more
7 or more
8 or more
9 or more
10 or more

I decided to attend manifest instead of going on an annual family trip with my girlfriend and her parents.

Her mom likes to tease people about these kinds of things. Earlier someone else dropped out of this same trip and has already been teased many times for doing so.

But, with the power of prediction markets, you can profit from my humiliation! I’ll comment every time my bailing of the trip is brought up by her in a joking manner, which I anticipate will happen a lot

I’ll be spending extra time with her family for Christmas (since I won’t see them on the trip), so I would expect the number to increase a lot in December.

I won’t bet on this market.

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bought Ṁ5 2 or more NO

it goes through the end of the year - he's even mentioned Christmas in the description..

Still no additional mentions?

are you coming to LessOnline and/or Summer Camp? or just Manifest weekend?

@shankypanky both! So I’ll be there for all 3 events. What about you?

bought Ṁ10 4 or more YES

@TonyPepperoni same! just trying to get a feel for how much time/how many experiences Mom might ask you about and use it as an excuse to say something snarky in return lol

Holy shit he actually did it the ABSOLUTE MAD LAD 😎


LOL yes join us

1 remark has already been made 😆

Immediately after telling her I was going to manifest she said “I understand why you can’t come, but in this family we don’t say no to a vacation” (for context: they go on cruises and vacations 2-3 times a year)

@TonyPepperoni bring them to manifest!


is this what happens when there are no convincing suggestions in a bounty?

@shankypanky Kind of 😅 apparently every event I’d want to go to is on that one week