Will 25% of US construction workers have their jobs negatively impacted by AI by 2030?

Negatively impacted meaning either job loss, reduction in hours, or pay reduction. Will be resolved based on a combination of labor statistics and news coverage.

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Robo-crane, robo-hoe,
Construction workers out of a job, oh no!
Man and machine, head to head,
25% of them might end up dead.

Small subsidy provided.

predicts NO

@ConnorWilliams define construction jobs. You can gather material for 3d printers.

Gasoline is a fake fuel. If you calculate the energy humans provide all the energy for machines come from humans.

If a 100kg person stands against gravity that's 100kg x 10 m/s 2 = 10 kw. Humans provide the same energy as machines do, without humans machines don't exist

Everything is Flintstone cars powered by manual effort and gasoline is fake.

predicts YES

@MarkIngraham ...what? No. That's now how energy works.

predicts NO

@ConnorWilliams it's irrefutable. Refineries are collapsing and 90% of the oil in the world is fake. Capitalism is literally retards and everything is Flintstone cars. Humans provide energy to planes and drones able to carry humans don't exist.

@MarkIngraham I think your units are a little off. 1 joule = 1 kg m^2/s^2, so you need to account for the person's height as well. eg 100 kg x 10 m/s^2 x 1.8 m = 18 kW or about 24 horsepower. Then just imagine the energy if you store it up over time!

predicts NO

@ErickBall yes its obvious gasoline is a fake fuel and everything is flagstone cars